3/16/2025 Bulletin


Sunday - 9:15AM Sunday School, 10:30AM & 6:00PM Worship Service -Wednesday - 6:30PM, Sunday Choir Practice 4:30 PM

 March 16, 2025

 9:45 AM - 1:45 PM

 20932 Co Rd 70 Andalusia, AL 36421

March 16, 2025

Bro. Scott Donaldson, 464-6936 – Pastor

Thomas & Kristian Rambo-Youth 

Shirley Lambert, Pianist 334-428-3191

 Church office email: harmonybcoffice@gmail.com

Church office 222-8117 / CCLI License # 155095

Office Hours: 8 a.m. – 1 p.m. (Mon.-Thurs.)



10:30 A.M.


Call to Worship/Fellowship -                      To God Be the Glory


Welcome/Prayer -                                           Bro. Scott Donaldson

Music -                                                                 Love Lifted Me

                                                                                You Are My All in All

                                                                                There Is Power in the Blood

Offering -                                                            On Eagle’s Wings             

Children’s Church -                                          

Message -                                                           Preparation for the Work

                                                                                Nehemiah 2:11-20

Invitation -                                                          Let Jesus Come into Your Heart


                                                                Sunday Evening

Welcome -                                                          Bro. Scott Donaldson

Worship in Song -                                            

Message -                                                         Genesis 24




Wednesday Evening

Welcome -                                                          Bro. Scott Donaldson

Worship in Song - 

Message -                                                           1 Timothy 2


Deacon of the week

Hank Carter 16th / Scott Dutton 23rd 


Nursery Schedule

3/16 Carol Polk & Cathy Bozeman & Rhett & Emilee Cook & Dianne Blocker & Stacy Varner

3/19 Dianne Blocker/Stacy Varner & Misty & Scott Dutton

3/23 Dianne Blocker & Barbara Pilotte & Nathan & Emily Johns & Dianne Blocker & Stacy Varner 


Upcoming Events

**3/19/2025 Wednesday night Meal




**3/20 First Day of Spring 

**3/30 Brotherhood meeting @ 7:30am

**3/30 Lord’s Supper

**4/16 JOY Starts Back @ 10:30am

**4/16 Easter Egg Hunt


Adult Choir Practice -  Sundays @ 4:45 PM

Childrens Choir Practice - Sunday PM


The Bulletins are now on the website Just Scan QR code on the inside and click on Bulletins.


Happy Birthday

Khloe Craig 17th 

Hayden Raines 18th 

Raelynn Sanders 20th / Brittney Wallace 20th   


 Happy Anniversary

Rhett & Emilee Cook 16th 

Glen & Kim Frasher 20th 

Michael & Sharron Short 20th 

Brandon & Krystal Johnson 20th  


RA (Royal Ambassadors) will meet Sundaynight @6:00pm & Wednesday nights @ 6:30pm Starting September 1st for young men grades 6th, 7th & 8th


Events or Prayer Requests need to be called into the office by Wednesday at 10:00a.m.